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Uso de pressure level en inglés
Fasting insulin levels were correlated with resting blood pressurelevel within each ethnic group.
Among Cuban-Americans, sex and percentage body fat were the main correlates of blood pressurelevel.
Baseline and follow-up patient information, including the use of aspirin and blood pressurelevel, were recorded.
Sound pressurelevel and entropy were higher and trill rate was faster in aggressive trills than in affiliative trills.
This study showed that electro-cardiographic IHD evidences in Japanese are predominantly associated with blood pressurelevel in both sexes.
We therefore postulated that genetic polymorphisms of NOS3 might interact with physical activity level to differentially influence blood pressurelevel.
Further studies in resource-poor settings should be considered and research to determine the most appropriate pressurelevel needs to be considered.
These data suggest that fetal undernutrition induces MRA inward eutrophic remodeling and stiffness in both sexes, independent of blood pressurelevel.
There was no evidence for an association between angiotensinogen genotype and blood pressurelevel in either the hypertensive or normotensive data set.
Tests were performed under two conditions: noise reduction (silence) and white noise stimulation presented at 70 dB sound pressurelevel.
Moreover, there is evidence that the variability of blood pressure might offer prognostic information that is independent of the average blood pressurelevel.
The anesthetist did not use fibrobronchoscopy or any devices to control the pressurelevel of TDL sleevs during the intubation and selection of the bronchus.
Significant relations with blood pressurelevel, hypertension, and plasma cholesterol were present only for subjects aged 65 to 74 years.
Central blood pressurelevel is not always consistent with peripheral blood pressurelevel, and especially their joint effect on incident hypertension is not well established.
Of those with high readings, 45% reported no history of high blood pressure and one-third of the registrants were unaware of their blood pressurelevel.
An urodynamic pressure probe measured intrapelvic pressurelevels throughout the procedures.